Big Christmas update happening within 48 hours!
A belated Merry Christmas to all and all the very best for 2022!
Now that Christmas day is rolling off for another year for the majority of us all, there will be a large update to the website of painted models.
The painted miniatures space on the website is looking a bit empty, so.....From 27th December 2021, there will be a large batch of Davion Dawn Guards, Clan Wolf, Clan Jade Falcon, Republic , Kurita and Marik will be going up, and I mean a lot of them.
2022 looks to be a big year. We have every single Kickstarter model here and the conversion to metal will be going at a good pace. I've ordered in a lot of molds to speed this up.. More AFG funds will mean more variants. Some of these new variants will be seen in the Warhammer as there are a few Dawn Guards with some of these special unique models having already being completed. These will sell fast!, so keep checking in.
So standby, and get ready to see a stack of new stuff hitting the store as we get ready for one hell of a huge year being 2022!!!!!
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